Why It Matters: Understanding Annual Giving

Recently in my home there have been many discussions about everyone pitching in to help with the chores. The conversation with my daughters, Sophia (5th) and Alyssa (7th), usually start something like, “I hate to be a nag, but…”. The response I’m typically met with is a deep breath let out slowly – a skill developed from their yoga and health classes at Mount Madonna School (MMS). They’ve even applied the lessons from their performing arts classes to synchronize their eye rolls with a graceful spin on their heels before moping away like thirsty travelers in the desert. After my “pep talk” I am often left feeling like, well, a nag.

In reflection, it dawned on me that while I explained WHAT was needed I hadn’t clearly explained WHY their contribution is essential. This discovery revealed the deeper importance, that our collective contributions ensure that our family is not only functional but that each member is actively engaged in each other’s well being, leading to long-term sustainability and growth. Translating that understanding, my message to my daughters is now, “Your contribution makes a difference. It helps to give us a healthy place to learn, grow, live and have fun together.”

We know 100% community participation in the Annual Giving campaign is essential to the operation of MMS. The MMS experience includes a low student to teacher ratio, amazing performing arts classes, ground breaking math and science programs, profound learning journeys and field trips, and the list can go on and on. However, a quality program requires funding that tuition alone simply does not cover. Like in my home, the deeper significance of 100% participation is a unified community invested in sustaining the culture of Mount Madonna School. It’s a statement that every year we come together to ensure each generation will be afforded every opportunity possible and that the foundation built by our community continues to thrive.

As a member of our community, please know that your participation is significant, that any amount you contribute makes a difference and will provide for the health, sustainability and growth of students at MMS. From my family to yours, we thank you for being a part of this community with us.


– By Linda Manzur

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