Aaron Colton (’08) Receives Poetry Award

Aaron Colton (’08), currently at Vassar College, was recently awarded the Vassar College English Department’s Deanne Beach Stoneham Prize for Poetry for the best original poem titled “Voice Inhabitance”.  Aaron won $400 and his award was listed in the Commencement Program for this year’s graduates.  Also, two of Aaron’s poems “Farewell, Omaha” and “Elegy for Hope” were recently published in the Vassar College literary magazine, the Helicon.

Taking Education Outdoors: Middle Schoolers Go Camping, Backpacking

Even as students enjoyed their last few summer days, preparations were underway for a return to school classrooms. But what if school didn’t start inside, but outdoors, underneath the redwood canopy – surrounded by tents, friends, and the wafting smell of campfires?